Market Analysis & Research
Online Commercial Listing Placement
Portfolio Evaluation
Regular Activity Reporting to Ownership
Discounts and incentives provided by a Landlord to help entice a prospect to sign a lease, such as free rent and tenant improvement contributions
Other changes associated with a lease, such as base year increases, property taxes, insurance, common area maintenance, utilities, janitorial, etc.
The highest rent a tenant is willing to pay and the lowest rent a landlord is willing to receive for a vacancy.
Tenant Representation
Is it time for your firm to renew its lease? Expand? Consolidate locations? In today’s complicated business environment, it is essential that you engage a EOS Company advisor to evaluate your real estate needs. The EOS Property Management Company is comprised of real estate professionals whose years of experience create a significant advantage in negotiating upon your behalf. As Tenant representatives, EOS conducts all the research and analysis necessary to present you with the options most favorable to your firm, and to put you in control of the transaction.